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                                    Thank You For Reading This Blog

Thank you for reading this blog.  By the mighty power of an algorithm, your interest in corruption in Virginia has brought us together, you to my site,

So let’s start with the Supreme Court, the public body that supervises many of the ways that your tax dollar disappears out of the cookie jar.  This honorable body is in charge of the Appropriations Act which issues checks of $1,500 annually to Circuit Court judges.  I first learned of this free money when I looked into the financial affairs of a judge that rubbed me the wrong way.  Yeah, that is the kind of guy that I am.  In going through his financial affairs I noticed that he got paid $1,500 annually in advance.  This alarmed me because I had never been paid in advance for digging potatoes, picking strawberries, pulling teeth, sculpting in bronze, or anything. 

What really caught my eye was that no receipts were required for any of these “office supplies.”  So you can see from the enclosed letters starting in 2015, that almost ended up in my two-seater toilet right down by the corn crib, I started inquiring about this risky practice of paying in advance.  I had never done that with any of my field hands.





Corruption In The Commonwealth