Gather Around Children

Gather around children. I have an unbelievable tale for you from the Governor’s office.

Last March I made a request for documents from his assistant for certain documents. The bill was $196.48, which I paid in a few days despite the fact that I did not receive a single document.

After about 1 month I made another request for an entirely different set of documents. This time Dr.Burch said I owed $196,.48 for the previous documents and again would send no response.

Then my accountant decided to pay the $195.48. Then on August 8 she explained her repetitive sending the same bill because I had two different bills.

So in covering up her sending me the $196.48 bill so many times she explains that this was proper because there were two exact bills for $196.48 which is statistically impossible unless you call 19648 to the second power, or one in 38,000,000 likely.

So now I am going to request a copy of my second request for $196.48 and a copy of the document for which I was charged another $196.48.

She could continue to tally up bills by adjusting her hourly rate so that when the hours were added it came to $196.48. But my second request would also have to be adjusted so that it added up to $196.48. This could be done, but the odds of it are so remote that it would require several years of concentrated work and billions of bills to come across two bills and two requests to occur. Actually, I believe that this would be 38 MM x 38MM, a number that the ordinary, regular assistant can’t do on their fingers and toes.

I’ll let you know what she and the Governor have to say about thisl






Corruption In The Commonwealth