The Governor and the Attorney General Claim That I Owe Them Money

The Governor and the Attorney General are filing a motion to keep me from protecting your money. In the paperwork (I don’t know the legal term) they claim that my bills are in arrears. (I don’t owe nobody nothing.) But the Attorney General’s Tyler Barnes claims I have owed $123.33 for about 18 months, so he won’t answer my FOIA requests. I have a copy of my check showing that I paid the bill over a year ago.

Then the Governor’s Denise Burch claims that I owe $196.48 for a request that I made a year ago. Again, my check was cashed by the Governor last March, yet they continued to disregard my FOIA request for information.

But my accountant accidentally sent them another check for $196.48. They were evidently sorry that I had paid the bill and have not cashed the check. But they wanted an excuse to keep on hiding their thefts of public funds.

So they came up with a not-so-smart idea. They claimed that I had made another request for records and the bill was again $196.48. Now the chance of this actually happening is 19648 squared, or one in 38 1/2 million.

They forget that they would need another request from me, signed by me requesting information a second time. So they are going to forge all this. I have requested a copy of this mythical document but, of course, they haven’t sent it. They are probably having trouble with

I’ll let you know what happens. Ms. Burch has a Ph.D. in law so she will come up with something.

P.S. It makes me feel important to be sued by the Governor and the Attorney General at one time.





Corruption In The Commonwealth