I Filed An Appeal

On May 3, 2023, I filed an appeal of an April 20, 2023 decision against me. The Accomac Circuit Court gave me 30 days to respond.

On May 3, 2023, I obediently and properly filed an appeal. Since, in their opinion, I was late, they (Attorney General’s representative Chris Bernardt and Ms. Burch of the Governor’s office) filed a motion for sanctions on October 4, 2024 in Accomac Circuit Court.

Judge Bullock informed Bernardt and Burch that all parties had to be present at the hearing. However, she ruled that the trial court decision on 4/20/23 stood.

After three requests to Bernardt and Burch for a copy of the transcript, I was told, after six weeks or so, how I could get a copy.

But now, I had learned a lesson. After the 4/20/23 remote audio recording disappeared, (and Bernardt had, in violation of the law, neglected to have a transcript made), I took my recorder with me. This is pro se pro bono advice so that you won’t commit another felony and have the transcript of 10/4/24 altered.





Corruption In The Commonwealth