The Governor Is Going to Get Some Field Work For His Assistant

July 25, 2024

Dear Dr. Burch,

When I asked you on 2/2/24 to give me a copy of my 2/2/23 letter you, you said that I did not meet the specificity requirements. I really don’t know for sure how I can be more specific, but I will try.

It had a postage stamp on the upper right corner of the front of the envelope. Both the envelope and the letter were made of a white paper material. The letter was 8 5/10 by 7 13/14 white paper. (I don’t know about thickness.) There may have been a small stain of prune juice which I drink with my three jiggers of brandy per day because of digestion which has plagued me since I fell out of an oak tree while raccoon hunting night around the turn of the century.

Elmer Joe Jr. and I let our black and tan coon hounds chase a raccoon up a tree. I climb the tree and shake the limb that he (or she) is clinging to until it jumps to the ground where it is attacked by usually six coon hounds (one of Elmer Joe’s hounds is getting old and sometimes can’t participate in the chase). Then a wooden nut keg is quickly placed over it. Next, a potato sack is slid under the keg with raccoon in it. After we get three or four raccoons in sacks we take them to Matt Bundick, who pays us about $2.00 each and puts them in a roofed pen. Then one of the coon hunting clubs from the eastern part of the state buys them to take to West Virginia to be chased again.

I have been trying to get the Governor to get you a job doing field or yard work, but he wants to keep you around because you are so smart.





Corruption In The Commonwealth