The Missing Person Report

As you can see, Justice McCullough went on a “business trip” on 7/18/19.

The room charge of $467.00 was $359.56 more than the rules allow. The writing that I have encircled is a calculation by the person assigned to approve the claim.

So, this is $1080.00 misappropriation of public funds.

On the upper right of the bill you can see that he has whited out the number of people in his room. However, on the bottom left he plumb forgot to erase the two select guest clearing.

Next, look at the spa charge of $231.10. The boys down at the pool hall all say that a spa is no place to do state business.

Room service is a luxury not allowed by the state rules. So resort service is substituted and the taxpayer is cheated out of $210.75.

So Justice McCullough has taken us for at least $1300 so far, assuming that this was a true business meeting. However, the hiding of the companion suggests to me that the entire trip was for pleasure and not business.

But he ain’t the only one. There are hundreds of others.

But there is one more thing to think over. The last charge of $16.00 for breakfast means that his business partner “flew the coop” and therefore the whole thing was a scam.

And if a hotel room is over 50% of the allowed rate of $98, then the Comptroller must approve it in advance.





Corruption In The Commonwealth