This is a story about an employee of the Attorney General J. Johnston who got on an American Airlines plane twice in one day, 1/27/22, and paid twice $456.20 twice. This was on the same day that an unknown person, using an unknown weapon, killed an unknown animal at an unknown place. When I made a request concerning this sordid affair, I was told that it was under criminal investigation and that is still what they are telling me when I enquire.
Also in this two week period (1/12/22-1/26/22), someone spent $6725.55 for a video recording. Look at the enclosed bill. This is at least $50,000 for two weeks, or $2.5 million for one year ($50,000 per week x 50 weeks in one year).
So this is a request for you to send to me a copy of any of the 17 UPS shipments over this same time period, of $954.30, which comes out to $419,900 in one year, or $1,254,700 for 3 years.